HTabs-js Jquery Plugin

JQuery plugin to render Tabs and navigation content by applying it to div.


at first we must add references to "htabs.js" and "htabs.css" as below.
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/htabs.js"></script>

<link href='styles/HTabs.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
HTML is as simple as having a container div contains an un-ordered list, and another div with the class 'tabs_container' contains content divs with the class 'htabs-cont' as below.
to set selected tab add class 'htabs-selec' to the anchor element.
<div id='tabDiv' style="width: 400px">
        <li><a href="#exp1" class='htabs-selec'>tab1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#exp2">tab2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#exp3">tab3</a></li>
        <li><a href="#exp4">tab4</a></li>
    <div id="tabs_container" class='htabs-container'>
        <div id='exp1' class='htabs-cont'>
            content tab 1
        <div id='exp2' class='htabs-cont'>
            content tab 2
        <div id='exp3' class='htabs-cont'>
            content tab 3
        <div id='exp4' class='htabs-cont'>
            content tab 4


the javascript is as below
the plugin is provided with options as below
    slideSpeed: 600,
    hoverClass: "hoverTest",
    tabClass: "defaultTest",
    selectedTabClass: "selectedTest",
    contentFixedHeight: true,
    contentHeight: '150px'


the css is included in the plugin, and a default style is provided. you can always change the style by passing three main css classes like the optiones provided in the js example above.


a demo hosted in of two tabs; one is default and another applying custom options.

source code can be found in .


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